Clear The Read-Only with DiskPart

Possible fix when SSD is in Read-Only Mode


If a drive enters a read-only mode, first check its SMART attributes for any pre-fail conditions. The drive could be in read-only mode to protect your data, this is expected when an SSD has reached the end of life.

Otherwise, it may be possible to remove the write protection from the SSD using DiskPart, which is a Windows CLI program


  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. Run the command "diskpart".
    1. Launches DiskPart.
  3. Run the command "list disk".
    1. Lists options for <disk_number>, in next step.
  4. Run the command "select disk <disk_number>"
    1. Apply an index number. For example, "select disk 1".
  5. Run the command "attributes disk"
    1. This will show if read-only is on.
  6. Run the command "attributes disk clear readonly".
    1. Rerun command in #5 to see if read-only cleared.

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